Three issues in causal ananlyses of relationship formation


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Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
112-Dec-2014Three issues in causal ananlyses of relationship formation-Singh, Ramadhar 

People form and dissolve relations based on categories (age, gender, race, or religion), physical looks (unattractive vs. attractive), and attitudes (dissimilar vs. similar). Baron and Kenny (1986) showed that just demonstrating that the predictor or independent variable (IV) determines the outcome or dependent variable (DV) is inadequate for understanding causal processes. The issues of how the IV effect is transmitted to the DV (i.e., mediation processes) and whether the IV-DV link is stronger in some than other conditions (i.e., moderating processes) is too important to ignore.
Relationship forming
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Three issues in causal ananlyses of relationship formation
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