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Title: International finance: a business perspective
Authors: Apte, Prakash G 
Keywords: Financial management;International finance
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Series/Report no.: Volume 5 of CFM-TMH professional series in finance
Abstract: The global financial landscape is changing fast with the integration of financial markets and mind-boggling technological advances. Economic events, government policies, and investor sentiments in any part of the world impact the financial markets across the world, exposing most businesses to market fluctuations. This book, an updated and enlarged edition of 'International Finance: A Business Perspective', equips corporate treasurers and finance managers with the conceptual understanding of global financial markets, instruments and products. It enables them to analyze market opportunities and associated financial risks, and also familiarizes them with the available funding avenues.
ISBN: 9780070077904
Appears in Collections:2010-2019 B

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